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Senior Project

The Senior Project Seminar is a required seminar for all academy students and a requirement for graduation. Students synthesize all of the understandings they learned in the academy to demonstrate their mastery of these understandings. The seminar is designed for students to demonstrate six major themes:

  1. Reviewing and understanding a complex sociological concept
  2. Synthesizing multiple sociological concepts to understand an overarching sociological construct
  3. Gathering interdisciplinary knowledge via the use of multiple research techniques
  4. Comprehending sociological concepts through the use of scholarly resources such as judicial opinions, research articles, college level textbooks, and internet resources
  5. Analyzing multiple sources of information to determine their relevancy and bias, and
  6. Applying all of these abilities to successfully communicate the results of an analytical review and/or persuade an audience to accept and act upon a stated position.

Emphasis is placed on synthesizing multiple sociological concepts within a persuasive scholarly paper, using multiple methods to communicate the results of that synthesis, and applying the results of that synthesis to explore a student’s development within the academy. Extensive research, reading, writing, and oratory preparation are required